Non-Cheesy Valentine’s Day Outfits For Every Occasion
It definitely is no ordinary day, and you probably want to take a step up from your average Saturday night go-tos—even if you’re just having a movie night with your friends. But then another question arises: How do you look festive without simultaneously looking cheesy?
With touches of pink and red and a tasteful heart here and there, we’ve styled outfits for every possible Valentine’s Day scenario, from a movie night with your friends to a nerve-racking date with someone new (good luck!). Spend time stressing about how much chocolate you’re going to eat, not scrambling to find a last-minute look.
Perhaps the most coveted of the Valentine’s plans, a night with your friends and a bottle (or 10) of wine calls for something cozy and chic—a step up from the ordinary sweatshirt and leggings. Bonus: a festive heart sock moment to show off your attention to detail
When your date is casual enough for jeans, it’s a cause for celebration. A classic blouse, pearl details, and heart earrings feel festive without bordering on overdressed for a casual date. If you’ve got the first- date jitters on Valentine’s Day, godspeed to you—cut your losses (and eliminate nerves) by giving yourself the gift of throwing on a foolproof, one-and-done blazer dress, black booties, and fun accessories, and treat yourself to a pour of red before you head out the door.
If you’re your date for the night, it doesn’t mean you should succumb to jeans and a tee—you should feel just as good (or honestly better) as if you were on a date with anyone else. Impress yourself with something you wouldn’t wear any old day and have yourself the best date you can remember.
Whether your are with someone, or you are just watching TV, you deserve to feel a little festive, so spoil yourself this Valentines.